#106: The Stink of Adventure

#106: The Stink of Adventure

Fire up the Andyman and invite over your neighborhood bee whisperer—it’s time to celebrate Theo and Professor Bananas’ safe return to the schnürbdër with a new TBTL Week in Review. Meredith, Ann and Bobby look back on creaky floors, Cinnabon trees and everything in-between in an episode that’ll leave you with more to chew on than a cheeseburger on an English muffin.

Fire up the Andyman and invite over your neighborhood bee whisperer—it’s time to celebrate Theo and Professor Bananas’ safe return to the schnürbdër with a new TBTL Week in Review. Meredith, Ann and Bobby look back on creaky floors, Cinnabon trees and everything in-between in an episode that’ll leave you with more to chew on than a cheeseburger on an English muffin.