#149 (Look Back): Showcase Hobos with Shanna Gratton Demke

#149 (Look Back): Showcase Hobos with Shanna Gratton Demke

Grab your 7-11 bananas, don your ripped t-shirt from 1979 and hit the ‘down’ button on the elevator: it’s time for all you sneaky snakes to slither out for some smokes and make some questionable life decisions. This week, Mike and Ann are joined by TBTL ‘B-list celebrity’ and public radio pledge drive lover Shanna Gratton Demke to talk about receiving pizza in the mail, the joys of life in Texas, and Six Degrees of North Dakotans. Then we go back in time to the TBTL Chicago live show where the irrepressible Sean DeTore shares the story of a very dubious post-show nighttime excursion.

Grab your 7-11 bananas, don your ripped t-shirt from 1979 and hit the ‘down’ button on the elevator: it’s time for all you sneaky snakes to slither out for some smokes and make some questionable life decisions. This week, Mike and Ann are joined by TBTL ‘B-list celebrity’ and public radio pledge drive lover Shanna Gratton Demke to talk about receiving pizza in the mail, the joys of life in Texas, and Six Degrees of North Dakotans. Then we go back in time to the TBTL Chicago live show where the irrepressible Sean DeTore shares the story of a very dubious post-show nighttime excursion.