#164 (recap): If you like piña coladas, and getting caught being vain

#164 (recap): If you like piña coladas, and getting caught being vain

¡Bienvenidos a Stumpton! Slip into your hospital footie socks, pour yourself some coconut water, and visit Bobby, Meredith and Mike at the San Juan Salsa Bar for your latest, healthiest, watermelon-colored TBTL Week in Review (and your gratis Big Papi tortilla chips). We’re a little afraid of trying to fire our layabout unioncats, and a lot afraid of getting our hair wet. But at least we ain’t afraid of no hipster girl in a jumpsuit. When you’re done with this, make sure to check out the latest episode of Earbuds and Earworms—or at least, their latest episode’s show pic, featuring Jason as a sexy (or slutty?) Bob Ross.
¡Bienvenidos a Stumpton! Slip into your hospital footie socks, pour yourself some coconut water, and visit Bobby, Meredith and Mike at the San Juan Salsa Bar for your latest, healthiest, watermelon-colored TBTL Week in Review (and your gratis Big Papi tortilla chips). We’re a little afraid of trying to fire our layabout unioncats, and a lot afraid of getting our hair wet. But at least we ain’t afraid of no hipster girl in a jumpsuit.

When you’re done with this, make sure to check out the latest episode of Earbuds and Earworms—or at least, their latest episode’s show pic, featuring Jason as a sexy (or slutty?) Bob Ross.