#208 (recap): Tackle the Grackle

#208 (recap): Tackle the Grackle

Mike, Meredith and Bobby are DTP—that’s “down to pod”—and heading over to the mercado for a muy caliente deal on limes before recapping the latest week of TBTL, but only after taco talk, and taking a tour of the greatest consolation party ever dreamed in the theatre of the mind. All four of our economical and efficient Toyota cylinders are fired up and there’s a seat left open for you, so climb in, hold tight, and make sure you only use the towel with the Karen Pence “Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve” charm on it, because there’s no telling where the others have been.

Mike, Meredith and Bobby are DTP—that’s “down to pod”—and heading over to the mercado for a muy caliente deal on limes before recapping the latest week of TBTL, but only after taco talk, and taking a tour of the greatest consolation party ever dreamed in the theatre of the mind.

All four of our economical and efficient Toyota cylinders are fired up and there’s a seat left open for you, so climb in, hold tight, and make sure you only use the towel with the Karen Pence “Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve” charm on it, because there’s no telling where the others have been.