#216 (recap): “Thank God for busy carpet patterns”

#216 (recap): “Thank God for busy carpet patterns”

Don’t listen to that dorkus malorkus Siri trying to direct you to The Gist—you definitely want to steer your podcatcher to Bobby, Ann and Mike recapping the latest week of the Peabody-adjacent TBTL. It may not be as addictive as a questionably shady home poker game or as stimulating as an inevitably damp Reader’s Digest, but it’ll definitely get you where you’re looking to go, unless you’re looking for a TBTL picnic. (If so, we’re sorry that happened to you.) Plus, Emily used technology to mildly traumatize Mike, Ann’s OK with you cracking into a Diet Coke because it’s noon somewhere, Meredith (via our planning spreadshee) says to keep your damn cat inside, and Bobby is now a man with something to live for.

Don’t listen to that dorkus malorkus Siri trying to direct you to The Gist—you definitely want to steer your podcatcher to Bobby, Ann and Mike recapping the latest week of the Peabody-adjacent TBTL. It may not be as addictive as a questionably shady home poker game or as stimulating as an inevitably damp Reader’s Digest, but it’ll definitely get you where you’re looking to go, unless you’re looking for a TBTL picnic. (If so, we’re sorry that happened to you.)

Plus, Emily used technology to mildly traumatize Mike, Ann’s OK with you cracking into a Diet Coke because it’s noon somewhere, Meredith (via our planning spreadshee) says to keep your damn cat inside, and Bobby is now a man with something to live for.