#27: Your Lying Face

#27: Your Lying Face

These are It’s Fine (™) times and Hillary, Christy, and Bobby are here to shepherd you through them. We weirdly talk about Hitler a fair amount (don’t worry, it’s not what you think).
#27: Your Lying Face

These are It’s Fine (™) times and Hillary, Christy, and Bobby are here to shepherd you through them. We weirdly talk about Hitler a fair amount (don’t worry, it’s not what you think).  Hillary finds a secret forest and a new fashion moment. Bobby’s thinking about growing a hair mask. Christy discovers she's a good mom! Hillary has a small Horny Corner which ushers in the TSHE vocabulary word of the week: Zaftig! We then follow up with some fantastic road trip stories from listeners and share some more of our own. Plus, we dig into what we’re watching (or rewatching), listening to, and reading. 

Oh and Hillary sings like 3+ times.

Stay home, wash your hands, we love you and RIP Adam Schlesinger! 

A selection of TSHE recommends/mentioned:



Shameless Amazon Plug of the Week:

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