#273 (Clip Show): Spicy Floor Dogs and Other Hot Dog Tales

#273 (Clip Show): Spicy Floor Dogs and Other Hot Dog Tales

“This is what happens when I do this on Percocet.” –Christy Wise Our TBTL friends spend so much time telling “hot dog stories” that we decided it’s high time to talk about the actual thing, and thus we bring you a show with stories about hot dogs. First, we talk about our own relationship with encased protein products: when vegetarian Christy gets drunk, her evening often includes “street meats”, while Ann is philosophically opposed to “roller meats”. Luke once made a terrible drunken decision at the Hollywood Park Casino, which leads to a somewhat disturbing conversation about floor food in the restaurant industry. Andrew tells the original hot dog story, which isn’t as long as we remembered. We discuss possible shape re-designs for child choking hazards and plot a possible takeover of Big Bun. Somewhat ironically, our show about hot dogs is full of hot dog story-type tangents. We end up talking about surprise bra snacks, canned pasta-influenced shameber foods, The Mummy’s possible arrest record, Skittles, the ongoing allure of the Ryan Gosling movie Drive, and childhood babysitter trauma (Stephanie knows what she did).

“This is what happens when I do this on Percocet.” –Christy Wise

Our TBTL friends spend so much time telling “hot dog stories” that we decided it’s high time to talk about the actual thing, and thus we bring you a show with stories about hot dogs. First, we talk about our own relationship with encased protein products: when vegetarian Christy gets drunk, her evening often includes “street meats”, while Ann is philosophically opposed to “roller meats”. Luke once made a terrible drunken decision at the Hollywood Park Casino, which leads to a somewhat disturbing conversation about floor food in the restaurant industry. Andrew tells the original hot dog story, which isn’t as long as we remembered. We discuss possible shape re-designs for child choking hazards and plot a possible takeover of Big Bun. Somewhat ironically, our show about hot dogs is full of hot dog story-type tangents. We end up talking about surprise bra snacks, canned pasta-influenced shameber foods, The Mummy’s possible arrest record, Skittles, the ongoing allure of the Ryan Gosling movie Drive, and childhood babysitter trauma (Stephanie knows what she did).