#282 (Recap): All Roads Lead to Batman

#282 (Recap): All Roads Lead to Batman

It was a crowded week of Entitled Etiquette, mourning dive bars, and sea urchin (in a really mushroom-y sauce), so TBTL power commenters Mike, Ann, and Christy have geared up in ¾ length, slightly-too-small running pants (that make our butts look amazing), to break it all down for you. Along the way, we develop a new dating app, debate chocolate croissants vs raisin rolls, and agree that the Mortgage Professor probably doesn’t understand his shortcomings. Mike’s making 2001: A Space Odyssey references and Christy reminisces over a vehicle that was a magnet for suicidal animals, while Ann semi-meanly points out her latest pronunciation pet peeve. But no matter what any imminent Executive order may say, please remember that we can’t let the Pantone terrorists win.

It was a crowded week of Entitled Etiquette, mourning dive bars, and sea urchin (in a really mushroom-y sauce), so TBTL power commenters Mike, Ann, and Christy have geared up in ¾ length, slightly-too-small running pants (that make our butts look amazing), to break it all down for you. Along the way, we develop a new dating app, debate chocolate croissants vs raisin rolls, and agree that the Mortgage Professor probably doesn’t understand his shortcomings. Mike’s making 2001: A Space Odyssey references and Christy reminisces over a vehicle that was a magnet for suicidal animals, while Ann semi-meanly points out her latest pronunciation pet peeve. But no matter what any imminent Executive order may say, please remember that we can’t let the Pantone terrorists win.