#297 (special): LRB Pop Culture Challenge: Super Bowl Edition

#297 (special): LRB Pop Culture Challenge: Super Bowl Edition

For the inaugural edition of LRB’s Pop Culture Challenge (think Green Eggs and Ham), football non-fans Meredith and Ann watched the Super Bowl, and share their thoughts with resident mansplainers Bobby and Mike. Of our lady scientists, who couldn’t manage to stay awake for the whole game? And who thinks baseball is more arousing than football? You’ll have to listen to find out. One thing is, however, universal: ball-handling talk is always funny. Plus, Mike has controversial hot takes on both Justin Timberlake and the Belichick sleeveless hoodie look, and Bobby wants a little more protection before he does any teabag jumps. Note: Bobby is editing this one on the fly late Thursday night, so please excuse any small (or huge) audio hiccups. Thanks!

For the inaugural edition of LRB’s Pop Culture Challenge (think Green Eggs and Ham), football non-fans Meredith and Ann watched the Super Bowl, and share their thoughts with resident mansplainers Bobby and Mike. Of our lady scientists, who couldn’t manage to stay awake for the whole game? And who thinks baseball is more arousing than football? You’ll have to listen to find out. One thing is, however, universal: ball-handling talk is always funny.

Plus, Mike has controversial hot takes on both Justin Timberlake and the Belichick sleeveless hoodie look, and Bobby wants a little more protection before he does any teabag jumps.

Note: Bobby is editing this one on the fly late Thursday night, so please excuse any small (or huge) audio hiccups. Thanks!