#305 (Look Back): “When You Buy a Teepee, the Didge Comes Free” with Nace Hentschell

#305 (Look Back): “When You Buy a Teepee, the Didge Comes Free” with Nace Hentschell

It’s the inaugural episode of LRB is Mystery Solvers (we solve our own mysteries whenever we feel like it, and no one’s getting free pizza, unfortunately). In pursuing that lofty goal, we’re getting to know Nace Hentschell, burgeoning Seattle lumberjack, grower of giant vegetables, and unironic Belieber. Nace shares some stories from his multiple run-ins with Camaro Kev and The Burbs at a certain well-known local karaoke joint, teaches us a new way to react when things aren’t going great, and reveals himself as an LRB benefactor of the highest order. Then we listen back to an early TBTL clip where we learn about MTV’s short-lived singing competition, Rock the Cradle, and the trainwreck performances of Chloe “Lana Del Rey Without the Talent” Lattanzi. Plus, the birth of an iconic TBTL drop, and Luke uses a truly disgusting simile. Bonus links: the episode Nace mentioned where Luke had to beg for bus fare is #1040: DaiseyGate Continues!, and as a special treat, here’s a compilation of Chloe's performances on Rock the Cradle. Her performance of Toxic starts at 4:34, but watch at your own risk of secondhand embarrassment. Seriously. I warned you.

It’s the inaugural episode of LRB is Mystery Solvers (we solve our own mysteries whenever we feel like it, and no one’s getting free pizza, unfortunately). In pursuing that lofty goal, we’re getting to know Nace Hentschell, burgeoning Seattle lumberjack, grower of giant vegetables, and unironic Belieber. Nace shares some stories from his multiple run-ins with Camaro Kev and The Burbs at a certain well-known local karaoke joint, teaches us a new way to react when things aren’t going great, and reveals himself as an LRB benefactor of the highest order. Then we listen back to an early TBTL clip where we learn about MTV’s short-lived singing competition, Rock the Cradle, and the trainwreck performances of Chloe “Lana Del Rey Without the Talent” Lattanzi. Plus, the birth of an iconic TBTL drop, and Luke uses a truly disgusting simile.

Bonus links: the episode Nace mentioned where Luke had to beg for bus fare is #1040: DaiseyGate Continues!, and as a special treat, here’s a compilation of Chloe's performances on Rock the Cradle. Her performance of Toxic starts at 4:34, but watch at your own risk of secondhand embarrassment. Seriously. I warned you.