#306 (Recap): “It’s like he went shoe-shopping in the movie Brazil.”

#306 (Recap): “It’s like he went shoe-shopping in the movie Brazil.”

We’re short on time because the Lyft is arriving to take Meredith, Mike, and Ann to see The Black Panther Movie, but we managed to squeeze in a recap without getting too deshoveled. We have a split panel on the merits of modern movie theaters, but we all agree that we’ve reached the limits of our tolerance for dive bars and speakeasies, and that there’s no way we’re letting the horror flick that is those creepy clappers into our houses. Mike is mad (and hungry), mostly about words (and Big Mac Jrs.). Meredith is happy to be alone and drunk and not tweeting. Ann is busy looking for depictions of ancient pornography (ONLY FOR THE SHOW PICTURE, SWEAR TO GOD).

We’re short on time because the Lyft is arriving to take Meredith, Mike, and Ann to see The Black Panther Movie, but we managed to squeeze in a recap without getting too deshoveled. We have a split panel on the merits of modern movie theaters, but we all agree that we’ve reached the limits of our tolerance for dive bars and speakeasies, and that there’s no way we’re letting the horror flick that is those creepy clappers into our houses. Mike is mad (and hungry), mostly about words (and Big Mac Jrs.). Meredith is happy to be alone and drunk and not tweeting. Ann is busy looking for depictions of ancient pornography (ONLY FOR THE SHOW PICTURE, SWEAR TO GOD).