#338 (Friday): My Scumbag Summer

#338 (Friday): My Scumbag Summer

On this Final Friday in July, Hillary, Christy, and Ann are getting together to sort through the mailbag, talk about potential Burbank boat names, and discuss a few of our most memorable summer vacations. Some quality Throw Your Phone™ entries from the Wagoneers get us thinking about how Mike has ruined things, planning to ambush Luke with a syringe (it’s for his own good! And listener Scott’s sanity!), and dabbling in unfortunate accents. In vacation talk, Hillary’s semi-wild teenage cruise leaves us questioning her claim of being a goody-goody, Christy has more vacation horror stories than any one person should have, and Ann explains why she hates the Badlands of South Dakota. In camp experiences, one of us lived a teen girl's dream, one of us yearned for something that was not to be, and one of us depended on MTV for her summer entertainment. Plus, a new purpose for some of our Amazon purchase kickbacks, and some very important news about Tate Donovan. Repeat after me: “Charge it to the room.”

On this Final Friday in July, Hillary, Christy, and Ann are getting together to sort through the mailbag, talk about potential Burbank boat names, and discuss a few of our most memorable summer vacations. Some quality Throw Your Phone™ entries from the Wagoneers get us thinking about how Mike has ruined things, planning to ambush Luke with a syringe (it’s for his own good! And listener Scott’s sanity!), and dabbling in unfortunate accents. In vacation talk, Hillary’s semi-wild teenage cruise leaves us questioning her claim of being a goody-goody, Christy has more vacation horror stories than any one person should have, and Ann explains why she hates the Badlands of South Dakota. In camp experiences, one of us lived a teen girl's dream, one of us yearned for something that was not to be, and one of us depended on MTV for her summer entertainment. Plus, a new purpose for some of our Amazon purchase kickbacks, and some very important news about Tate Donovan.

Repeat after me: “Charge it to the room.”