#369 (Recap): Rom-Coms with a Hard R

#369 (Recap): Rom-Coms with a Hard R

Ann, Hillary and Meredith are meeting in the LRB conference space, and we DEFINITELY have an agenda, although we’ll need to keep it short so we’re not late for yoga. It was a strange, somewhat gross week of TBTL, full of things in nostrils that shouldn’t be, rambling discussions about “funny” Christian singers, and seriously shady Lyft drivers. We’re head over heels for guest cohost Jeannie Yandel, her awesome podcast, and her attitude toward meetings, agree that Luke should stop trying to ‘cute pic’ Carey into vegetarianism, and take the guys to task for expecting their coworkers to roll with their ineptitude. Hillary reluctantly says that ugly sweater parties are fine™. Meredith needs to replace that bottle of Glenlivet. Ann shares how she took parking lot pedestrian behavior to new levels of passive-aggressiveness. Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to go look up the details of Zach Braff’s life.

Ann, Hillary and Meredith are meeting in the LRB conference space, and we DEFINITELY have an agenda, although we’ll need to keep it short so we’re not late for yoga. It was a strange, somewhat gross week of TBTL, full of things in nostrils that shouldn’t be, rambling discussions about “funny” Christian singers, and seriously shady Lyft drivers. We’re head over heels for guest cohost Jeannie Yandel, her awesome podcast, and her attitude toward meetings, agree that Luke should stop trying to ‘cute pic’ Carey into vegetarianism, and take the guys to task for expecting their coworkers to roll with their ineptitude. Hillary reluctantly says that ugly sweater parties are fine™. Meredith needs to replace that bottle of Glenlivet. Ann shares how she took parking lot pedestrian behavior to new levels of passive-aggressiveness. Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to go look up the details of Zach Braff’s life.