#388 (recap): The GPS says It’s Fine

#388 (recap): The GPS says It’s Fine

Bobby, Mike, Ann and Hillary are recording on St. Patrick’s Day morning, and for some reason, Hillary has already set up shop in a bathroom. (Don’t worry, it apparently has room service.) And as if that wasn’t enough radio gold, her recent sexual harassment training has inspired a show-stopping new romance novel. Plus, we cover Mike’s (aka DJ Postmaster General’s) plan to save the United States Postal Service, Bobby’s Dallas Salad and throwin’ bologna, and progress in our ongoing efforts to corrupt Ann. Oh, and we talk about TBTL. Even the serious bits.  

Bobby, Mike, Ann and Hillary are recording on St. Patrick’s Day morning, and for some reason, Hillary has already set up shop in a bathroom. (Don’t worry, it apparently has room service.) And as if that wasn’t enough radio gold, her recent sexual harassment training has inspired a show-stopping new romance novel. Plus, we cover Mike’s (aka DJ Postmaster General’s) plan to save the United States Postal Service, Bobby’s Dallas Salad and throwin’ bologna, and progress in our ongoing efforts to corrupt Ann.

Oh, and we talk about TBTL. Even the serious bits.