#394 (recap): Unrealistic pineapple beauty standards

#394 (recap): Unrealistic pineapple beauty standards

Bobby, Meredith and Mike are running ragged, but rally to recap the (few) highlights from the latest week of TBTL. On the upside, Meredith’s money pit seems to finally be full (or at least dry),  Mike has an idea for a version of karaoke that plays to his strengths, and Bobby’s big season finale at work was almost as rousing as the church service happening next to his office during the recording. We probably should have talked more about Luke and Andrew, but we were too busy daydreaming about a pickle sandwich, and breaking down neck-knife statistics. Feel free to send us emails telling us why we’re right or wrong, and we’ll be sure to cherry-pick a few to share that make us feel good about ourselves. Nebula of the Day submissions are also welcome. Hillary, unfortunately, couldn’t get her setup working for today’s show. But based on what we did manage to hear, she should be receiving a new birthday laptop anytime now.

Bobby, Meredith and Mike are running ragged, but rally to recap the (few) highlights from the latest week of TBTL. On the upside, Meredith’s money pit seems to finally be full (or at least dry),  Mike has an idea for a version of karaoke that plays to his strengths, and Bobby’s big season finale at work was almost as rousing as the church service happening next to his office during the recording. We probably should have talked more about Luke and Andrew, but we were too busy daydreaming about a pickle sandwich, and breaking down neck-knife statistics. Feel free to send us emails telling us why we’re right or wrong, and we’ll be sure to cherry-pick a few to share that make us feel good about ourselves. Nebula of the Day submissions are also welcome.

Hillary, unfortunately, couldn’t get her setup working for today’s show. But based on what we did manage to hear, she should be receiving a new birthday laptop anytime now.