#411 (recap): It’s all fun and games until someone explains the joke

#411 (recap): It’s all fun and games until someone explains the joke

TBTL may have half-assed Summer Games Week (as well as the pronunciation of chorizo and allium), but Ann, Mike and Bobby are most definitely full-assing this week’s LRB. Bobby just got back from Blue Jays Loonie Dog Night in Toronto, and the Great White North isn’t looking so great these days. Ann is standing ready to rescue her dearest Justin, though he now has competition for her affection from a handsome young new Scottish fellow. And Mike is suffering from a bout of sociopolitical indigestion after the President’s “perp rally,” though a gelatin-suspended seafood sample didn’t help. Plus, a blissfully short breakdown of TBTL’s quizzes, an apropos reminder that  the worst wounds are the emotional ones (with examples!), and an audio postcard from middle-aged transcontinental mom-iish type Hillary, recorded after a harrowing Hungarian pedicab ride. Remember: Come to our picnic on July 26th! Bring anything you like as long as it isn’t aspic. And, go listen to Spectacular Failures, edited by our own P-Fletch!

TBTL may have half-assed Summer Games Week (as well as the pronunciation of chorizo and allium), but Ann, Mike and Bobby are most definitely full-assing this week’s LRB. Bobby just got back from Blue Jays Loonie Dog Night in Toronto, and the Great White North isn’t looking so great these days. Ann is standing ready to rescue her dearest Justin, though he now has competition for her affection from a handsome young new Scottish fellow. And Mike is suffering from a bout of sociopolitical indigestion after the President’s “perp rally,” though a gelatin-suspended seafood sample didn’t help. Plus, a blissfully short breakdown of TBTL’s quizzes, an apropos reminder that  the worst wounds are the emotional ones (with examples!), and an audio postcard from middle-aged transcontinental mom-iish type Hillary, recorded after a harrowing Hungarian pedicab ride. Remember: Come to our picnic on July 26th! Bring anything you like as long as it isn’t aspic. And, go listen to Spectacular Failures, edited by our own P-Fletch!