#43: Nirvana in a Passat

#43: Nirvana in a Passat

Live from Breakout Room #5, Bobby and Mike make their triumphant return to the show to regale Ann with tales of their recent adventures on the open road, and Ann recounts how she was recently ambushed by a virtual attempt at forced networking.
Live from Breakout Room #5, Bobby and Mike make their triumphant return to the show to regale Ann with tales of their recent adventures on the open road, and Ann recounts how she was recently ambushed by a virtual attempt at forced networking. Plus, listeners’ RSVPs for a one-way trip to Mars, a TSHE Friend in the News™, and pitching tips for Dr. Anthony Fauci. (Just kidding, Tony—you’re perfect the way you are.)

TSHE recommends:

Tim Wu’s The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires

The Farthest: Voyager in Space (h/t listener Carolyn)

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