Episode #176 (Recap): Toilet Snakes & Travel Nightmares

Episode #176 (Recap): Toilet Snakes & Travel Nightmares

Pack your 7-11 cartons of gum, grab your bootleg copy of 30 Rock, don’t forget your robot doll: it’s time for a new episode of LRB! The gate agents didn't hold the plane, so Mike, Meredith and Ann pile into the Chevy Aveo for the TBTL Week in Review. We refuse to pay it forward at Starbucks, but we might buy some knockoff Michael Jordan shoes (hey, it’s not stealing until you leave the store). Mike wants Meredith to make a veritable Sophie’s choice, while Ann refuses to make eye contact with that cute coworker. It’s a pretty tight squeeze, but at least we’re not flying Continental.

Pack your 7-11 cartons of gum, grab your bootleg copy of 30 Rock, don’t forget your robot doll: it’s time for a new episode of LRB! The gate agents didn't hold the plane, so Mike, Meredith and Ann pile into the Chevy Aveo for the TBTL Week in Review. We refuse to pay it forward at Starbucks, but we might buy some knockoff Michael Jordan shoes (hey, it’s not stealing until you leave the store). Mike wants Meredith to make a veritable Sophie’s choice, while Ann refuses to make eye contact with that cute coworker. It’s a pretty tight squeeze, but at least we’re not flying Continental.