Episode #184 (Recap): Psycho Bearded Guy

Episode #184 (Recap): Psycho Bearded Guy

Hey, Dummy: set a timer for two hours! Ann, Meredith and Mike are here and ready for a mammoth recap of last week’s TBTL. The pizza piles are in the oven, the zoodles and boodles are on the stove, and we are not (I repeat, NOT) working on the show sheet wearing our baldness laser helmets. Luke is causing trouble in his marriage due to his ongoing affair with technology, as well as working up some pre-emptive indignation at the tickets he’s surely going to get for parking illegally in Walshworld. Andrew and his pink ink notes (they’re friendly!) have been experiencing some episodes of rage, but we should be all right, as long as he keeps a lid on his manberry pudding pack. Err, his Saint-Tropez truffle duffle. I mean, his budgie smuggler. On the homefront, we have lots of new things gearing up, including a call to action for the Wagoneers and a new contest. Mike details his new policy for picture messaging him, Meredith explains what it means that she’s hosting a Tiny Fence ConcertTM, and Ann wants everybody to stop bitching about how cold they are, because she’s colder, dammit.

Hey, Dummy: set a timer for two hours! Ann, Meredith and Mike are here and ready for a mammoth recap of last week’s TBTL. The pizza piles are in the oven, the zoodles and boodles are on the stove, and we are not (I repeat, NOT) working on the show sheet wearing our baldness laser helmets. Luke is causing trouble in his marriage due to his ongoing affair with technology, as well as working up some pre-emptive indignation at the tickets he’s surely going to get for parking illegally in Walshworld. Andrew and his pink ink notes (they’re friendly!) have been experiencing some episodes of rage, but we should be all right, as long as he keeps a lid on his manberry pudding pack. Err, his Saint-Tropez truffle duffle. I mean, his budgie smuggler.

On the homefront, we have lots of new things gearing up, including a call to action for the Wagoneers and a new contest. Mike details his new policy for picture messaging him, Meredith explains what it means that she’s hosting a Tiny Fence ConcertTM, and Ann wants everybody to stop bitching about how cold they are, because she’s colder, dammit.