Episode #195 (Clip Show): How to Succeed in Love Without Really Trying

Episode #195 (Clip Show): How to Succeed in Love Without Really Trying

We’ve popped the champagne, spread the rose petals on the bed, and put on the sexy, sexy music. All that remains is to ask the question: will you be our Valentine? Ann and Christy are here with a clip show about TBTL and Valentimes Day, and boy, is there a lot to talk about. Topics discussed include: how we feel about this dubious holiday, conversation hearts – yay or nay?, the horror that is ‘work spouses’, Luke’s disregard for online restaurant reservation systems, management of romantic expectations, and how it is that two 40-year-old men in long-term relationships can’t seem to figure out how Valentine’s Day works. Plus, a look back at the TBTL Dating Game, with Sean “Guy Smiley” DeTore as the most amazing host ever. P.S. Here’s a bonus ‘work spouse’ joke Christy wishes she had thought of during recording: “The closest thing I have to a work husband is Mike, mostly because I hate him as much as Emily does. ZING!”

We’ve popped the champagne, spread the rose petals on the bed, and put on the sexy, sexy music. All that remains is to ask the question: will you be our Valentine? Ann and Christy are here with a clip show about TBTL and Valentimes Day, and boy, is there a lot to talk about. Topics discussed include: how we feel about this dubious holiday, conversation hearts – yay or nay?, the horror that is ‘work spouses’, Luke’s disregard for online restaurant reservation systems, management of romantic expectations, and how it is that two 40-year-old men in long-term relationships can’t seem to figure out how Valentine’s Day works. Plus, a look back at the TBTL Dating Game, with Sean “Guy Smiley” DeTore as the most amazing host ever.

P.S. Here’s a bonus ‘work spouse’ joke Christy wishes she had thought of during recording: “The closest thing I have to a work husband is Mike, mostly because I hate him as much as Emily does. ZING!”