Episode #196 (Recap): Dr. Thundercat, Your 1:30 Is Here

Episode #196 (Recap): Dr. Thundercat, Your 1:30 Is Here

Grab your LOL shirt, pour a big bowl of Steak O’s and milk, and get ready for some snuggle time with Eddie, because it’s time to review last week’s TBTL.  Meredith, Mike and Ann are ready to play 20 Questions about the topics they’ll need to cover: 1)Is it a hot dog? 2)Is it a magnet? 3)Is it a hot dog magnet? They discuss the meaning behind teenage Andrew’s visit to his driving instructor’s apartment, share some close calls (with good and bad outcomes) regarding bathroom emergencies, and try to separate the George Michaels from the George Michaelses. While they have slightly differing opinions about Valentine’s Day, they’re in complete agreement that under no circumstances should Luke be allowed to take flying lessons. Additionally, Meredith tells us about the disease with the best/worst name ever, Ann silently cringes as the other two discuss something they refer to as a “space turd grabber”, and Mike is excited for Luke to get his Light Phone, if only for the rich vein of mockery he can mine. Oh, and if we can’t get a plane home from Portland, we’ll be sure to stay at the Hotel Deluxe, because “this is how a hotel treats a VIP customer.”

Grab your LOL shirt, pour a big bowl of Steak O’s and milk, and get ready for some snuggle time with Eddie, because it’s time to review last week’s TBTL.  Meredith, Mike and Ann are ready to play 20 Questions about the topics they’ll need to cover: 1)Is it a hot dog? 2)Is it a magnet? 3)Is it a hot dog magnet? They discuss the meaning behind teenage Andrew’s visit to his driving instructor’s apartment, share some close calls (with good and bad outcomes) regarding bathroom emergencies, and try to separate the George Michaels from the George Michaelses. While they have slightly differing opinions about Valentine’s Day, they’re in complete agreement that under no circumstances should Luke be allowed to take flying lessons. Additionally, Meredith tells us about the disease with the best/worst name ever, Ann silently cringes as the other two discuss something they refer to as a “space turd grabber”, and Mike is excited for Luke to get his Light Phone, if only for the rich vein of mockery he can mine. Oh, and if we can’t get a plane home from Portland, we’ll be sure to stay at the Hotel Deluxe, because “this is how a hotel treats a VIP customer.”