Episode #202 (Recap): Pizza Shell Game

Episode #202 (Recap): Pizza Shell Game

It’s been a rough week on TBTL, but there’s no need to Get Jesse James/Jones, because the I-35 Crew of Mike, Meredith and Ann is on the job. We’re fortified by 8 “cups” of coffee and enough Buffalo Frito Pie that the government won’t even want to watch us through our televisions. Our breakdown of last week’s shows includes agreeing that Luke’s pushing the bounds of the concept of the late checkout, deciding that you’re not a “cat person” until you get that third cat, and a refusal (mostly) to continue hashing out The Great Phone Incident of 2017. Also in the hopper: we talk about our own small anxieties at the gas station, the produce section, and the checkout counter. Mike shares his rage and frustration at being called a liar, Ann’s got the Tangent Tracker™ at full power, and Meredith has been single-handedly populating our Amazon purchases list. Remember, it’s only for techno-geeks with spreadsh

It’s been a rough week on TBTL, but there’s no need to Get Jesse James/Jones, because the I-35 Crew of Mike, Meredith and Ann is on the job. We’re fortified by 8 “cups” of coffee and enough Buffalo Frito Pie that the government won’t even want to watch us through our televisions. Our breakdown of last week’s shows includes agreeing that Luke’s pushing the bounds of the concept of the late checkout, deciding that you’re not a “cat person” until you get that third cat, and a refusal (mostly) to continue hashing out The Great Phone Incident of 2017. Also in the hopper: we talk about our own small anxieties at the gas station, the produce section, and the checkout counter. Mike shares his rage and frustration at being called a liar, Ann’s got the Tangent Tracker™ at full power, and Meredith has been single-handedly populating our Amazon purchases list. Remember, it’s only for techno-geeks with spreadsh