Episode #253 (Special): Fun and Games and Air Pots (Lots and Lots of Air Pots)

Episode #253 (Special): Fun and Games and Air Pots (Lots and Lots of Air Pots)

Our show plan for this episode was foiled by the whims of a US government agency, so Ann, Christy, and Bobby decide to take some time to design a new LRB game/contest. Hey, if Luke and Andrew can do show planning “on-air”, so can we. Get your daubers out, because we’re playing bingo! TBTL bingo, that is. Everyone’s welcome to play – just send an email to tbtlbingo@gmail.com and you’re in like Flynn. In true crowdsourcing fashion, we want Wagoneer input on which TBTL terms, phrases, or concepts should get a square, so hit us up with your ideas. This is going to be fun: imagine listening to TBTL and crossing your fingers in the hope that Luke will talk about his diet grind, because it’s THE LAST SQUARE you need (kidding – you know we’re going to fill in that square during the first five minutes of the Monday show, right?). Additionally, we finally take some time to examine our Amazon purchases list with the care and attention it deserves. You guys have been buying some seriously interesting stuff, and we want to celebrate your interests and take a tiny peek into your (safely anonymized) lives. As always, our heartfelt thanks go to everyone who supports us by using our Amazon affiliate link when purchasing things from The Company Slowly Taking Over The World. The pennies we get add up to some serious jam money! If you’d like to help us out, just use littleredbandwagon.com/amazon as your shopping portal.

Our show plan for this episode was foiled by the whims of a US government agency, so Ann, Christy, and Bobby decide to take some time to design a new LRB game/contest. Hey, if Luke and Andrew can do show planning “on-air”, so can we. Get your daubers out, because we’re playing bingo! TBTL bingo, that is. Everyone’s welcome to play – just send an email to tbtlbingo@gmail.com and you’re in like Flynn. In true crowdsourcing fashion, we want Wagoneer input on which TBTL terms, phrases, or concepts should get a square, so hit us up with your ideas. This is going to be fun: imagine listening to TBTL and crossing your fingers in the hope that Luke will talk about his diet grind, because it’s THE LAST SQUARE you need (kidding – you know we’re going to fill in that square during the first five minutes of the Monday show, right?).

Additionally, we finally take some time to examine our Amazon purchases list with the care and attention it deserves. You guys have been buying some seriously interesting stuff, and we want to celebrate your interests and take a tiny peek into your (safely anonymized) lives. As always, our heartfelt thanks go to everyone who supports us by using our Amazon affiliate link when purchasing things from The Company Slowly Taking Over The World. The pennies we get add up to some serious jam money! If you’d like to help us out, just use littleredbandwagon.com/amazon as your shopping portal.