LRB #194 (recap): Not So Vas My Friend

LRB #194 (recap): Not So Vas My Friend

Strap your sled to your most reliable pet, and slide on down to the closest podstore: you can even go ahead and take that spot for the Listener of the Month, you’re entitled to it. Special guest co-host Steve “Stu” “StuBot” “Chris Hayes Follows Me on Twitter” Neuman joins Bobby and Mike to recap the latest week of TBTL, and to update us all on recent news in his life both professional and anatomical. It turns out, the only path more treacherous than the one down Alabama Hill this week is the one to Stu’s vas deferens. We don’t need another gyro—we just need to stop getting outbid by wheelerdealer2000.

Strap your sled to your most reliable pet, and slide on down to the closest podstore: you can even go ahead and take that spot for the Listener of the Month, you’re entitled to it. Special guest co-host Steve “Stu” “StuBot” “Chris Hayes Follows Me on Twitter” Neuman joins Bobby and Mike to recap the latest week of TBTL, and to update us all on recent news in his life both professional and anatomical. It turns out, the only path more treacherous than the one down Alabama Hill this week is the one to Stu’s vas deferens. We don’t need another gyro—we just need to stop getting outbid by wheelerdealer2000.